

I know a lot of people say that ‘fashion is just clothes’ and that fashion doesn’t even matter…BUT THEY R WRONG. (They are not deep enough to ‘get’ fashion)

While a lot of street fashion bloggers wouldn’t even notice this girl on the street, they don’t realize that her outfit provides important commentary on life, society, terrorism, performance enhancing drugs, race-relations, the media, the blogosphere ruining journalism, divorce, GHEY marriage, and how humans are different & the same at the same time. It’s a clash, yall. A constant 1, and the only way we can elect the President that God wants in office is to ‘find ourselves’ and the vote based on ‘who we are.’

We need to find out who we are as soon as possible. We must enroll in Art Colleges, obtain design degrees, and change the world, and the way that we look at it, and how we can tell people to stop using gasoline to buy fast food, and go to more music+art+technology festivals.

When u look at the pictured female, ask urself what her outfit represents.
What do the dots repesent?
What do the stripes represent?
How do the stripes and the dots convey differences and similarities?
What’s up with Palestine and Israel?
What’s up with the USA and brown-ish countries?
What’s up with France and Australia?
What’s up with mainstreamers and alts?
Will we all ever co-exist and learn to live and love eachother?
Will movie studios produce more Existential Comedies involving Dustin Hoffman to make the world a better place?

I just want every1 to be able to think critically, like a college professor who has a ‘rlly demanding’ class where you get a “B”, but you ended up finding yourself, your major, and what society is all about.

Fashion is beautiful, yall.
Life is beautiful, all yall.
Fashion = Life = Beautiful

Never Forget.

by John

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