
Power of Celebrities

August 6th, 2008

The Welcome to Beijing olympic video is really interesting. Not something unique to Chinese, but it is a really common technique to have to have celebrities share a song or phrases together like this. I saw it all the time in HK. Regardless of this technique, it still captivated me because there were so many celebrities, and like nelson said, not all are in the mainland. But I think what makes it powerful is because I doubt they did pay all the celebrities wads of cash like they would receive for a regular advertisement. I do feel there is a sense of patriotism, that each person, regardless of how busy, rich and famous are believe this is a good thing that they stand behind. And as a collective, it is quite moving.

Which reminded me of the ONE campaign. A similarly powerful campaign utilizing celebrities to take a stand and urge the public to do the same. I’m sure you guys are familiar with this video, but check it out again and experience the impact of this emotional attachment.

So it is as powerful without high production and familiar faces.

Or if it not in a familiar language.

by John

One Response to “Power of Celebrities”

  1. Nelson

    what i’m more concerned with the Welcome to Beijing campaign is that by using non-China celebrities in their video, what are they really trying to say? Do they then mean that the Beijing Olympics is not merely about China, but the Chinese people as a whole? Are they trying to claim all the different Chinese communities that have dispersed around the globe for their Beijing campaign? I’m not against uniting Chinese people as one, but I find it very disturbing that they are doing this for the Beijing Olympics campaign. It makes me confused about the identity of overseas Chinese, and furthermore misleading foreigners into understanding that all Chinese come from China, which we don’t.

    I do like the video, i’m just wary of what they’re trying to say and the connotations that come with it. The fact that i saw 2 Singaporeans in there makes me confused about what they are saying about the Beijing Olympics, and the representation of China.

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