
Archive for the ‘interactive’ category


December 5th, 2013


Ingress - It’s time to Move.

November 16th, 2012



July 21st, 2011



A new video-mapping website that invites residents, tourists and videographers to upload clips they’ve taken on the streets of New York to an interactive online map of the city — and lets the rest of us get in on the action. Made by Alex Kalman, a native New Yorker and son of illustrator Maira Kalman and the late designer Tibor Kalman.


Gmunk for Tron Legacy

April 4th, 2011

I spent a half year writing software art to generate special effects for Tron Legacy, working at Digital Domain with Bradley “GMUNK” Munkowitz, Jake Sargeant, and David “dlew” Lewandowski. This page has taken a long time to be published because I’ve had to await clearance. A lot of my team’s work was done using Adobe software and Cinema 4D. The rest of it got written in C++ using OpenFrameworks and wxWidgets, the way I’ve always done it with this team ;) Uniquely however, Digital Domain’s CG artists were able to port my apps over to Houdini for further evolution and better rendering than OpenGL could ever provide. Special thanks to Andy King for showing me that what seasoned CG artists do at DD is actually not so far off from what’s going on in the Processing community.


My little piece of privacy

January 12th, 2011

SOUR ‘映し鏡’(Mirror)

December 17th, 2010

This is an interactive music video for SOUR ‘Mirror’. (non - connected version in Japanese) Please visit http://sour-mirror.jp and experience the full connected version!


December 13th, 2010


Do any site here: http://wonder-tonic.com/geocitiesizer/


November 7th, 2010

Old Spice Channel

July 13th, 2010


Old Spice Man responses to tweets and comments randomly

We generate money by serving Google text advertisments on a network of hidden Websites. With this money we automatically buy Google shares. We buy Google via their own advertisment! Google eats itself - but in the end “we” own it!

By establishing this autocannibalistic model we deconstruct the new global advertisment mechanisms by rendering them into a surreal click-based economic model.

After this process we hand over the common ownership of “our” Google Shares to the GTTP Ltd. [Google To The People Public Company] which distributes them back to the users (clickers) / public.


Excerpt from

Entering the Machine and Leaving It Again: Poetics of Software in
Contemporary Art
by Florian Cramer:

“A very recent example is “Google will eat itself” http://www.gwei.org [slide] by ubermorgen.com and Alessandro Ludovico. ubermorgen.com consists of former etoy member Hans Bernhard and Liz Haas, Alessandro Ludovico is well known in Italy as the founder and editor of Neural magazine. “Google will eat itself” is simple to explain: it is a website that runs ads via the Google “AdSense” program, i.e. embedded commercial text advertising provided by Google, but bought from other companies. Google pays website owners a small fee for every click on an ad link; “gwei.org” uses this money to buy Google shares. The idea is that Google will pay the site to get bought up by it. Ideally, gwei.org should make so much money from Google ad payments that it can buy up all Google shares. To accelerate this process, “Google will eat itself” imploys some hidden dirty programming hacks that trigger automatic clicks on the advertising so that any user who visits the site will click multiple Google ads at once.

It is not only one company eating up another, but also a piece of software eating up another software. Google is one of the first world companies that is a piece of online software, with search requests as its input, and a double output of search results and money to the shareholders. This collapsing of software program and corporation get turned against itself by gwei.org. It is the net.art of an Internet that is no longer an open field of experimentation, but a corporate space. The dark-humorous actionism of the piece manifests yet another resolution of the conflict that had originally voiced by Moles and Debord, technical formalism versus agency.”


Browser Pong

July 8th, 2010

Browser Pong

HTML5 experiments

July 6th, 2010


HTML5 - Blob

Soft blobby physics. It’s like, you know… jelly?


HTML5 - Magnetic

Control and create currents of particles which react to magnetic nodes.
The magnetic nodes emit light depending on how many particles are orbiting them.


HTML5 - Trail

Particle movement patterns that generate smooth trails.


HTML5 - Particle Depth

Particle positioning patterns using depth.


HTML5 - Wave

Wave motion rendered using the canvas element.
Version two and three have bubbles floating on the surface,
these bubbles each represent a tweet with the word “water” in it.


HTML5 - Particles

Particles slide across the screen and grow as they get close to the mouse.



UI Pattern Factory

May 25th, 2010

UI Pattern Factory is a mix of user interface design pattern library and UI gallery. It is a place to find user interface best practices, get design inspiration, and share design solutions with others. Our patterns are always fresh with tons of examples, and you can easily add more using Flickr.


On the occasion of the opening of the new Graphic Design Museum in Breda (NL) the posterwall for the 21st century was launched, both online and as an installation in the museum itself. In the museum 600 unique posters are automatically generated daily using content gathered from various internet sources. Online, one new poster is generated every five minutes. Constantly new and updated, the posters contain content covering a range of topics such as cultural events, news, weather, etc. In the museum it’s placed at the end of the overview exhibition ‘100 Years of Graphic Design in the Netherlands’. It attempts to provide insight into the direction graphic design might go in the future while posing the question: ‘Do we still need graphic designers?’



The future of webdesign. HTML5. No more Flash.
Check out a cool demo of what HTML5 can do:



March 7th, 2010

New Frontiers @ Sundance 2010

February 1st, 2010

Just came back from Sundance, watched a bunch of great indie films but was so inspired to see the festival including a new direction: the intersection of film + art.

BURBERRY - Art Of The Trench

November 11th, 2009



Limmy’s Playthings

October 31st, 2009


Try http://www.limmy.com/playthings/comeagain/
and http://www.limmy.com/playthings/xylophone/
or http://www.limmy.com/playthings/gouch/

Between Virtual and Physical

October 22nd, 2009

Visiting designer workshop with LUST to explore the area where the virtual and physical merge and new things happen. Inspired by the foreign films subtitles, Korean dialogues were translated by GOOGLE translate tool in real time, allowing virtual tool to be recognized in the real-world.

Barbarella (1968)

October 16th, 2009

Movies used to be so awesome.

This happened….

October 15th, 2009

This happened is a series of events focusing on the stories behind interaction design. Having ideas is easier than making them happen. We delve into projects that exist today, how their concepts and production process can help inform future work.

Interaction design companies are often too closed off to the outside. We want to encourage people to be more open in their methods and ideas. We aim to have a mix of established practitioners, commercial companies and students. We want to encourage the perspectives from the other side of the fence, so will also be inviting curators and commissioners of work to give presentations.

The Fun Theory

October 15th, 2009

This site is dedicated to the thought that something as simple as fun is the easiest way to change people’s behaviour for the better. Be it for yourself, for the environment, or something entirely different, the only thing that matters is that it’s change for the better.

Piano Staircase
”Take the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator and feel better” is something we often hear or read in the Sunday papers. Few people actually follow that advice. Can we get more people to take the stairs over the escalator by making it fun to do? See the results here.

World’s Deepest Bin
To throw rubbish in the bin instead of onto the floor shouldn’t really be so hard. Many people still fail to do so. Can we get more people to throw rubbish into the bin, rather than onto the ground, by making it fun to do? See the results here.


Hand from Above

October 15th, 2009

Hand from Above from Chris O’Shea on Vimeo.

Hand From Above encourages us to question our normal routine when we often find ourselves rushing from one destination to another. Inspired by Land of the Giants and Goliath, we are reminded of mythical stories by mischievously unleashing a giant hand from the BBC Big Screen. Passers by will be playfully transformed. What if humans weren’t on top of the food chain?

Unsuspecting pedestrians will be tickled, stretched, flicked or removed entirely in real-time by a giant deity.


The Puma Index by Droga5

September 22nd, 2009

Economy getting you down? Puma gives you an upside to the downturn.

Puma and Droga5 give you a bright side to slipping stock prices with the Puma Index. The app is a genuine stock market ticker that measures the rising and falling market by the amount of exposed flesh on some good looking folks. The more values drop, the more clothes come off.

I Love Bees

July 26th, 2009

I Love Bees (also known as ilovebees or ILB for short) was an alternate reality game (ARG) that served as both a real-world experience and viral marketing campaign for the release of developer Bungie’s 2004 video game Halo 2. The game was created by 42 Entertainment, who had previously created an ARG for the film A.I., and would later create Why So Serious? for the Warner Brothers film The Dark Knight. I Love Bees was commissioned by Microsoft, Halo 2’s publisher.I Love Bees was first advertised by a subliminal message in a Halo 2 trailer; players who investigated the titular website discovered that the pages appeared to be hacked by a mysterious intelligence. As players solved puzzles, audio logs were posted to the ilovebees.com site which gradually revealed more of the fictional back-story, involving a marooned artificial intelligence stranded on Earth and its attempts to put itself back together.I Love Bees was a marketing success; 250,000 people viewed the ilovebees website when it was launched in August 2004, and more than 500,000 returned to the site every time the pages were updated. More than three million visitors viewed the site over the course of three months, and thousands of people around the world participated in the game. I Love Bees won numerous awards for its innovation and helped spawn numerous other alternate reality games for video games.

Alternate reality games or ARGs are designed to involve fans of video games or other media in a form of viral marketing which CNET described as encompassing “real-life treasure hunting, interactive storytelling, video games and online [communities]”.[1] I Love Bees began when jars of honey were received in the mail by people who had previously participated in alternate reality games. The jars contained letters leading to the I Love Bees website and a countdown.[2] At around the same time, theatrical trailers for Halo 2 concluded with the Xbox logo and a URL, xbox.com, that quickly flashed a link to ilovebees.com,[3] ostensibly a hacked site related to beekeeping.[2]

Both events, not connected publicly for several weeks, caused the curious to visit the website ilovebees.com. The site, which appeared to be dedicated to honey sales and beekeeping, was covered in confusing random characters and sentence fragments. Dana, the ostensible webmaster of the ilovebees site, created a weblog stating that something had gone wrong with her website, and the site itself had been hacked.[4] Suspecting that this was a mystery that could be unraveled, Halo and ARG fans spread the link and began to work on figuring out what was going on.

Players respond to a phone call

The gameplay of I Love Bees tasked players around the world to work together to solve problems, with little or no direction or guidance.[5] For example, the game presented players with 210 pairs of global positioning system coordinates and time codes, with no indications to what the locations referred to.[5] Players eventually figured out the coordinates referred to pay phones and the times to when the phones would ring; one player in Florida stayed by a phone while Hurricane Frances was minutes away in order to recite answers to prerecorded questions.[6] Other phone calls were made by live persons known as “operators”; these calls allowed players to interact with the characters of the games in spontaneous and occasionally humorous ways.[7] Other players treated the corrupted data on ilovebees.com as encrypted files to decipher, or used image files found on the web server to solve puzzles.[6] After players completed certain tasks, they were rewarded with new installments to an audio drama which revealed the reasons for the ilovebees.com malfunction.[6]

Over time, the game’s mechanisms for contacting players grew more complex. Players were sent messages via email, called on their cell phones, and travelled to arranged meetings between players and characters.[8] The game culminated by inviting players of the game to visit one of four cinemas where they could get a chance to play Halo 2 before its release and collect a commemorative DVD.[9]



Candy Chang: I’ve lived

July 23rd, 2009
It’s a question every New Yorker wonders – how much are my neighbors paying for their apartments? I’ve Lived: Post-it Notes for Neighbors is an interactive installation that helps demystify the topic by inviting local residents and other passers-by to share information about their living situation. Inspired by Illegal Art’s “To Do” installation, this participatory project covers a storefront window with Post-it notes stamped with specific fill-in-the-blank forms. Passers-by can fill in a note with their own apartment information and balk at the high and low numbers paid by others. By the end of the week, the window will have transformed into a useful collection of personal notes created by and relevant to the community, as well as serve as a reflection of changing real estate values.

I’ve Lived: Post-it Notes for Neighbors was part of the Windows Brooklyn exhibit that paired artists with storefront windows in Cobble Hill and Carroll Gardens June 14-22, 2008. Candy’s storefront: vintage furniture shop Yesterday’s News at 428 Court Street and 2nd Place (which happens to be right around the corner from where she used to live). They sell classy old-school furniture, maps, and other cool items. Check it out and say hi to owner JP! Installation assistance by Kay Cheng.


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