
Archive for the ‘random’ category

fake awards

April 30th, 2008

Nude Vacations

April 26th, 2008


April 26th, 2008


April 26th, 2008

looks familiar…no?

Superbad - Dick Drawings

April 26th, 2008

Zoo York: Spread the Word

April 26th, 2008

This is fucked up. So much for viral advertising.


April 26th, 2008

Looks like a dong!

April 19th, 2008


Book review: The Bible

April 19th, 2008

“…So then we get to the New Testament, telling the story of my man JC, and while a lot of it was pretty sweet (water into wine? for shizz), it seemed pretty redundant to me. I mean, Luke pretty much nailed the story of Jesus by his ownself, so I don’t really see why Matthew, Mark and John had to crowd onto the bandwagon and cramp the nigga’s style. Hell, Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ nailed the holy spirit (no pun inten–okay, pun intended) better than anything in the Bible — and Scorcese’s “Last Temptation” is so good IT should be The Gospel. I feel guilty even mentionioning it in the same paragraph as these other hacks.”

The Donut is the Hole

April 15th, 2008

So this is what we’re going to eat next week for class….the Zen donut….the negative space donut….the what-doesnt-exist-still-exists donut…also known as the Munchkin.

Help I Am Bored

April 14th, 2008


Photoshop Disasters

April 13th, 2008

Dear God

April 12th, 2008

Dear God is a global project for people around the world to share their innermost hopes - and fears - through prayer.

It doesn’t matter what your version of God is…Jesus, Allah, Buddha or simply a spiritual universal energy… praying to a higher power soothes and heals. It’s scientifically proven that people who pray are healthier, happier and more resilient.

Most men like TIGHT and a lot like REAL TIGHT, that’s why TENGA has come to the party.
Tenga is here to revolutionize the realm of adult goods for men.

ascii art

April 10th, 2008

                                    -   @  @                          
“I love you                        ‘         \                        
You love me                       |\      .. |         |\    /|      
We’re one big               \     ‘ `. ‘\___/` .`.     | \,,/_/      
happy family                |\_  /    `-____–//    __/ \/    \      
With a nick knack            \ \/    .\\     \/  _–/     (D)  \     
paddy wack                    \    .’  \\     |   -/    (_      \    
give the dog                   `.   \  /’     |   /       \_ / ==\   
a bone                   __——\   |       .’_/         / \_ O o)  
this old man            /        _|  /`-__-’/             /   \==/   
went rolling home      /        |   \                    /           
with a great big      ||         \__/                 \_/\           
hug and a kiss        ||         /              _      /  |          
from me to you        | |      /–______      ___\    /\  :          
won’t you say you     | /   __-  - _/   ——    |  |   \ \         
love me too.”          |   -  -   /                | |     \ )       
                        |  |   -  |                 | )     | |       
                         | |    | |                 | |    | |        
                         | |    < |                 | |   |_/         
                         < |    /__\                <  \              
                         /__\                       /___\ 

Simpsons Anime

April 10th, 2008

more fanart by spacecoyote.


April 8th, 2008


 http://haxxx.alienmelon.com/  <—-flash game


April 7th, 2008

i need to stop being so nerdy…


April 6th, 2008

saw this on qbn…
cool or lame?
my typography teacher is having a kid and is going to name the kid after one of his favorite typefaces. hopefully its a girl and get named filosofia, at least that one sounds decent.

April 5th, 2008

American Apparel

April 5th, 2008

American Apparel from Chris Garcia on Vimeo.

if anyone knows french…

April 4th, 2008

Just say it Moon…

April 2nd, 2008

New Gravis patterns, seen at KN.

Thanks SwissMiss

April 2nd, 2008

Lately I’ve really noticed that I’ve been really attracted to a lot of the things that SwissMiss blogs about. So rather than reposting them for the future, for those of you who don’t know her blog already, I’ll just direct you guys to her. SwissMiss

Recent posts I find intriguing. Enjoy.

Random Food Generators

April 2nd, 2008

dress code for shame

April 2nd, 2008

dress code

some people say its an April Fool’s joke…but it looks pretty darn real….

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